Can you
really measure performance? I think it
is possible to measure performance, but stop thinking about the individual.
Instead performance should be derived from the experience that you are
delivering to your clients. Hey now, stop the presses, you mean that
performance is not a smile sheet with a bunch of ratings on it that you fill
out once a year so a person may receive their bonus? Certainly feel free to
stick with that pencil whipping process that doesn't seem to achieve anything
except; "congratulations on your "acceptable" performance this
year, great job". So what is it
that makes this set of conditions so complex? It falls squarely on our ability
to measure customer experience and our delivery of services in an objective and
tangible manner.
about a heavy lift, we need to first listen to our clients and understand what
really makes them excited, then we need to devise measurement environments
which will allow us to quantify that experience, and finally, as if that is not
enough, we need to compel our workers to deliver that type of experience. WOW,
no wonder those smile sheets have been so popular for so long. This process
takes a sincere commitment and exploration of what really delights our clients.
Putting ourselves in our clients (internal and external) shoes is the only way
that we can clearly achieve these results. Some service organizations have gone
as far as hiring individuals from the industries in which they serve to give
them inside perspective. Unfortunately no silver bullet exists here, instead
just roll your sleeves up and sincerely listen. The solutions and points of
measurement will come out of that discovery process.
you and your team find those one or two items, which are relevant across your
client base, you will be amazed at how obvious and straightforward these
objectives are to obtain. Involving your clients and your employees in this
endeavor will guarantee enlightenment and elevate the perception your clients
have in the experience you deliver.
post: modern day quilt-makers
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