to McDonald's would you like fries with that burger? Well my friends that is pull through, a
situation in the field where you can better serve your client by suggesting
additional work items related to the current context of your activity. However,
pull-through does not have to be limited to the work at which you are currently
performing, it can also be opportunities discovered while talking with the
end-user or walking through their site. The challenge is the balance between
what is an appropriate recommendation, what borders on trying to sell more
items than the client needs, and how does the field worker have faith that the
office will follow through on the opportunity. These three elements, more than
just the simple process of finding something that needs to be repaired, are
what can make or break the success of pull-through within your organization.
service workers are in this business for one reason, their strong desire to
help others. In the purest form pull-through is a perfect situation in which
the field worker can help the client. Hey, you have performed service work well
for this customer and have earned their trust, keeping an eye out for
recommended repairs almost certainly will help prevent additional costs for
your customer in the future. It is really a win-win. The water does get a bit
murky depending upon the process of the service organization around how they
are managing these pull-through opportunities. One of the keys in motivating
your field workers to continue to seek out and recommend pull-through
opportunities is to ensure that you have a strong process in the office. When
these suggestions come through, and some can be managed by the field worker
depending upon the company and industry, they need to be addressed immediately
and make certain that the recommendations provided by the field are
communicated appropriately back to the client.
You need to remember that the field worker gave their word that they
would follow up, often times this follow-up is out of their hands and you don't
want to end up with "egg on your field workers face".
many things if we are pure of purpose and sincere in our actions we will be
successful. Let's not forget that our objective as service providers is to make
sure that client assets are running efficiently, have the longest life, and
operate in a trouble-free state. Pull-through opportunities are completely
aligned with this philosophy and can really help improve your revenue and
post: should service companies hire
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