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Showing posts from October, 2018

Crisis does not have to be Chaotic

Sure, we get it, resilience is the new "buzz word", all of us must have the ability "to bounce back" when faced with a crisis.   You could see the eyes start to roll back in Frazzled Franks head, who always had a negative opinion.   Heck, come to think of it, Frank gives Natalie Naysayer a run for her money.   Frank, started Old Ollie, resilience is not that black and white.   Ollie, taking off his ballcap and resting his chin in the butt of his hand, started to reminisce about his days working at the refinery.   Back then, we had a process known as reliability centered maintenance.   It was pretty straightforward, take a look at the approach, rationalize what is the most important, and support your hypothesis with data. Ollie, you are talking about maintenance and we are trying to make sure that our building is resilient; blurted Frank.   Ollie continued; the trick is the balance between what areas will have the greatest impact on your custo...

What did you say?

"The prickly pears profile is most pleasant in the PM hours" , now that is the perfect phrase for the session this morning thought Influential Irene as she paraded (last one) around the office.   Avid Andy could not help but notice the smirk on Irene's face, not too different than that of the Chester Cat in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.   Irene, your expression has me most intrigued, what thoughts are running around your head?   A smile filled Irene's face as she shared; "this morning during our weekly meeting with the office and field folks, I am going to play a little game that I haven't played since I was a child - operator".   You could see Andy grinning and moments later erupt in laughter as Irene shared the phrase that would be put to the test in the game.     NOTE:   before the ridiculous number of digital distractions, we made up   games that involved humans interacting directly with one another…crazy right? Irene walked...

Really, I am that good

So which is it, inquired pondering Pete, do you believe that I have the answer to your problem or do you simply have faith in me as a problem solver? Legendary Lee responded; I think the answer to that question has changed over time. Years ago when a variable speed drive failed you most likely had to call an expert to repair that piece of electronic equipment. Yet today if I am electrically inclined, it is possible a search of the Internet may reveal ideas which will assist me in solving the problem myself. Not too different from those game shows that allow you "a lifeline" to call a trusted friend for assistance. Today our lifeline is a digital platform and its   seemingly   boundless search data, whereas yesterday with limited communication, all of the expertise resided with analog-isolated individuals.       Lee continued, so which is better the person that has all the answers or the person who can get all the answers? In some ways it boils down to ...