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Really, I am that good

So which is it, inquired pondering Pete, do you believe that I have the answer to your problem or do you simply have faith in me as a problem solver? Legendary Lee responded; I think the answer to that question has changed over time. Years ago when a variable speed drive failed you most likely had to call an expert to repair that piece of electronic equipment. Yet today if I am electrically inclined, it is possible a search of the Internet may reveal ideas which will assist me in solving the problem myself. Not too different from those game shows that allow you "a lifeline" to call a trusted friend for assistance. Today our lifeline is a digital platform and its seemingly boundless search data, whereas yesterday with limited communication, all of the expertise resided with analog-isolated individuals. 
Lee continued, so which is better the person that has all the answers or the person who can get all the answers? In some ways it boils down to your beliefs around education and the significance of building fundamental competencies.  If you consider for a moment that access to information in today's day and age is more important than, what other competencies are essential to deliver outstanding service? The attributes at the top of my list might be empathy, trust, curiosity, innate skill, attitude, and intelligence.  Unfortunately many of those attributes are difficult to train, however given the right environment can certainly be nurtured. Now Pete was completely confused, he was looking for a short answer to the complex question of "who is the best person to hire". 
Pete recalls a job applicant which he visited with just last week. "He just walked into my office full of attitude and proclaimed, yes it's hard to believe I really am that good!". At first Pete didn't know what to think, was this guy just an arrogant ass or was he so filled with confidence that he could find the answer to any problem put in front of him? Would his approach be welcomed or resented by our customers and teammates? Lee suggested maybe a little bit of both. The real trick is to measure folks and qualify them objectively. Answering the riddle of "I really am that good" must be achieved by monitoring performance across a period of time, aligned to conditions which positively impact the customer experience.  If your process is filled with subjective ranking scores such as yelp and or a net promoter style score then your results will always be controversial. However, when you and your team can agree upon objective points of measurement worked into an analysis system which is dynamic and relevant, your customers and employees with thank you.   
It seemed like Pete was starting to come around, you must have the core competencies, confidence and the proper culture to produce an all-star team.  When things are not firing on all cylinders you may get too much confidence and produce prima donnas or too little and end up with those who feel entitled.  Lee finished up with one final statement, Pete; achieving balance is key; competency, confidence, and culture.


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