Our ability to gain perspectives, which influence our decision
process and accelerate customer value, is getting exponentially better with the
passing of each day. Your connected
systems / IoT aspirations are visceral and supported by logic. A few suggestions to help you wrap your head
around getting started on your journey:
Move the needle
If you had to choose just a couple of business
conditions, which when altered could impact your entire operation, what would
those be? The best way to accomplish
this is not to think about what or how will gather this information, instead
focus on why these are so important to your business. Most of the time these
answers may be found stitched into the intuition of yourself and your
Think big – start
We often get trapped within ourselves and only
think about things which we know we can measure or explore. This new world of
connected systems opens myriad opportunities to examine and leverage
information in ways which we could not even imagine just a handful of years
ago. So, dream big and once your ideas are jotted down take a methodical and
pragmatic approach to accomplish your objectives. There are no shortcuts on
your journey to evolve your business into a prescriptive service organization.
Block out your
technical approach
If you can't describe your architecture and
approach in three to five large blocks you should re-examine your design. For
instance, a block approach might include; data, intelligence, and action.
Connected systems are complex but they don't need to be complicated.
Experiment and
The rate of change in intelligently connected
systems is mind-numbing. Once you begin to peel back this onion it is likely
you will be overwhelmed and easily distracted with competing components of
connected system solutions. Put a toe in the water, start with a prepackaged
and narrowly focused IoT solution, or jump with both feet in and start with an
IoT platform. Either way establish diverse pilots and assess multiple
technology types. Don't forget that most of these systems are
subscription-based and your long-term total cost of ownership should be
considered once you pass the pilot phase.
Partner up
Odds are you will have to choose a horse to ride
with regards to a platform, do so with eyes wide-open. While the platform partners are important,
they become exponentially more valuable when they have a strong consulting
partner organization. As an example, you
may choose Microsoft for the partner and Hitachi Solutions for your consulting
In a "try and buy" SaaS business environment we need to
get to the punchline quickly. From a tactical perspective you will need to have
quick wins to build your confidence as well as those funding your aspirations. When you consider the strategic side it is
important that you stay just a few steps ahead of your competition, you want
them to follow you and share your new cost structures.
post: losing my mind
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