Chaotic Chris had endured many a
tongue lashing in his day but this one would take the prize. As he stood there, focused on the words
erupting from his customers' mouth, he concentrated on making sure that the
expression on his face showed pure empathy. What a dumbass, all I had to do was put a note
in my calendar or better yet send the customer a meeting invitation. Chris began to reflect on why he failed at
such a simple task, surely it was because he was just too busy. You know, a star salesman like himself,
doesn’t have time for the trivial things.
Unfortunately, his lack of discipline, arrogance, self-centered
attitude, dis-respect for others… has
lost him a key customer.
As Chris drove home that evening,
sitting in the endless traffic, his mind began to wander. Could it be that this one incident was not
isolated, instead one of many examples in an extensive list of missed
activities? Just two weeks ago his boss,
Frazzled Frank, simply showed up in his office expecting Chris to have a
meaningful conversation regarding his sales pipeline. Chris recalled his
feelings at that moment, frustration, anxiety, even a bit of disappointment
that Frank had so little respect for Chris's time. Oh my, how horrible, is it possible that
those around me are thinking these same things?
No way I am revered in this organization and with my customers, everyone
loves me, my personality and relationships make up for my careless behavior,
they all accept me as a scatterbrain.
The next morning, tired from a
sleepless night, Chris could not escape that pit in his stomach. Normally Chris believed that he was
responsible for filling a room with energy, could it be that he was pulling the
energy from others? Instead of his
normal barrage of pleasantries, he asked Janet about their relationship,
specifically how she felt. Juxtaposed
Janet, always poised and respectful, simply replied "everything is good
Chris", what's on your mind? It was
like confessional in some ways, Chris's mind placed a dark veil over Janet and
the questions started to flow from his mouth with ease. Janet, as Chris began to blend commentary
with questions, he asked "do you believe I appreciate and respect you as a
coworker"? An expression flooded
Janet's face, one that Chris had never seen before, she was perplexed. Noticing the discomfort in the questioning
Chris pleaded that Janet speak her mind.
Janet began to share her thoughts
with Chris. When we spend time with one
another I am filled with appreciation for our working relationship, she started,
I wish we had more of those face to face experiences. Unfortunately, once you are away something
happens, it is as if you believe that your time is more important than everyone
else's. It makes me, fellow workers, and
customers feel that we should feel fortunate if you choose to keep an
appointment or follow up on a commitment, Janet explained. Holy shit, I am a real jackass thought Chris
as Janet continued to share her honest feedback. Chris listened intently, absorbing these
words filled with honesty and the best intentions.
A few weeks later Reluctant Ruth
was watching Chris enter the coffee shop for their morning meeting and noticed
his relaxed aura. Chris, did you just
return from vacation, asked Ruth. No,
you would not believe me if I told you.
Ruth, you know how reluctant you are to try new things, if it isn't
broke why fix it? Chris continued as
Ruth shook her head in acknowledgement, well… here it is, I started using a
digital calendar to manage my time and a tasking tool to keep track of
commitments that I need to complete. In
pure disbelief Ruth could only say, really?
Yes, you would be amazed at how much less chaotic my days have been
since I decided to move to digital organization systems. It is really something Ruth, before my days
were filled with large gaps and the meetings I had with people were less
productive. Now, with everyone in the
know, we are focused and look forward to our time together. Just as a bonus, commitments so often made
during meetings, do not fall through the cracks as they have for so many
years. I am relaxed, my teammates and
clients are happier, and I have no more anxiety regarding what I may have
forgotten to accomplish. For me it took
a negative event to get me headed in the right direction, everyone is
different; however, I encourage you to find the reason why and take the first
step. When you look back you will wonder
what it was that held you back in the first place. Now, on to those waffles!
Next post: from the field to the office
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